
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Ride

Greetings from the land of our Honorable Chiefs Crazy Horse, Big Foot, Sitting Bull, and all who have gone before us. Winter is upon us…the beauty of white crisp snow and brisk fresh air it brings renews my spirit. I pray for our elderly who have an enormous amount of knowledge and pray our generation and our younger generations learn from their teachings.

The Si Tanka Wokiksuye (Big Foot Ride) is happening this week. I took my nephew to participate in the Ride. The journey our relatives are taking is in remembrance and honor of those who followed the same path. My nephew has really struggled the past few years and he is on this journey to pray not only for himself and all his relatives but to feel the spiritual connection between himself and tasunka (horse) as they will ride as one. Cyrus loves horses and he said when he rides it makes him feel free and feel good about himself, that is a real plus considering the issues he deals with especially for child his age. The everyday struggles with alcoholism and drug use is overwhelming for a 13 year old. My prayers are with our people as they make this journey.

Mitakuye Oyasin.

Mona Brave

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