
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Praise for Northwest Woolen Mills

Hi Everyone,

I feel like I just received the greatest present ever.

This morning I learned that Northwest Woolen Mills has had a change of heart, and decided to help One Spirit, help the Lakota Sioux. Not only will they be supplying blankets, but they have offered assistance, with other area's of concern, with the Lakota people. I for one want to take the time to publically thank Northwest Woolen Mills for their change of heart and willingness to assist One Spirit.

To all the volunteers that read my prior post and sent e-mails to Northwest Woolen Mills,
Thank You!

Please know that you made a difference. If you are still in the mind to send off an e-mail. Please do so and thank Mr. Max Brickle, President of Northwest Woolen Mills
@ max@hbrickle.com for their willingness to assist One Spirit.

This has been a team effort, so Thank You, to all of you that took part!

Edward Broken Feather

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Discovered this site today. It is wonderful what you are doing for those in need in the USA. Blessings from Costa Rica
